Mirella Oestreicher
l am an artist who combines different art forms. I don't want to limit myself to one form. My work as a freelance artist allows me to delve deeper into topics that concern me. In my work, loften choose the form of fiction to take an abjective look at our sociely. In the theater, current issues are usually dealt with in old dramalic material. I am of the opinion that this method does not allow any substantial. statements to be made about current problems, but only reproduces lived conflicts. In my way of working. I want to start from the future, which means that I invent a fictional world in order to learn more about the possibilities of the present. Collaborating with artists from all over the world and researching and creating together in their countries of origin is mutually enching and broadens my view and, in the best case, that of the audience of our global coexistence.
Abitur, München — 2005
Universität der Künste Berlin, Diplom im Studiengang Bühnenbild — 2012
Hochschule für bildende Künste Dresden, Meisterschülerstudium im Studiengang
Bühnen und Kostümbild —2015
Teilnahme beim Praxisworkshop der Akademie Remscheid: Vielfalt statt Einheit,
Diversitätsbewusstsein in der Kulturellen Bildung —2016
80 über Nacht — 2013, Woyzeck — 2014, Ida und Jakob — 2015, Fremde.Heimat —2016,
Der Fischer und seine Frau — 2017, Jellyland — 2019, Endlich mal was Schönes — 2021,
Bär im Boot — 2022, Weigert euch, weigert euch Alle! — 2023, Under Pressure —2024
Transkulturelles performatives Rechercheprojekt zwischen den Ländern Iran, Japan
und Deutschland; eine Künstler:innenensemble aus den drei Ländern stellt sich und
den Menschen vor Ort die Frage: Wie wird Familie in 100 gelebt werden?
Kunst und Musikschule, Theaterworkshop für geflüchtete junge Erwachsene — 2015/16
Tusch, Theater und Schule München, — 2022-24
Evangelische Pflegeakademie, Theaterworkshop mit Pflegeschüler:innen — 2023-26
Digital Forest: WILD, Pathos Theater München, eine multimediale Ausstellung über die
Beziehung zwischen Mensch, Natur und künstlicher Intelligenz
Auflösung, U-Bahn Galerie des Bezirk Maxvorstadt, Malerei
Worlds Worst - 2013
Mirella Oestreicher wrote the script and then drew a storyboard and invited various people to become actors in her Internet project.
Interactive media project
KonferenzRückwachsDeutschland – 2015
performative project, mixed media, about the limits of growth
World Wo*Men-the search for a utopia - 2021-ongoing
Transcultural performative research project between Iran, Japan and Germany; an ensemble of artists from the three countries asks themselves and the local people the question: How will family be lived in 100?
Workshop management - 2016-ongoing
Art and music school, theater workshop for young adult refugees - 2015/16
Tusch, theater and school in Munich - 2022-24
Evangelische Pflegeakademie, “The ultimate care givers playlist”, theater workshop with nursing students - 2023-26
Digital Forest: WILD, Pathos Theater Munich, a multimedia exhibition about the relationship between humans, nature and artificial intelligence - 2023
Auflösung, subway gallery of the Maxvorstadt district, painting - 202